Monday, November 1, 2021

Tutorial ~ Proud Heritage Hello


Supplies Needed

Tube of choice

I am using Elias Chatzoudis 167-3.  You must have a license to use this artwork.  Please visit CDO for more information.  The reason I chose this particular tube is because it symbolizes my Greek heritage.  You should choose a tube to represent you.

Fonts of choice

I am using Impact, A Gentle Touch and Agency FB.

Flags of choice

I am using free images of my two flags representing me.  American and Greek.  You will need to find the two flags that represent you.

Outside filters

I am using Eye Candy 4000 - Gradient Glow

I am using PSP 9 for this tutorial but am pretty sure you could use any version.

Ok, let's get started!

Open a new image 700x700, don't worry we will crop later.

Choose your Impact font.  Size 141, stroke width 3, null your background, black foreground.

Type out the word HELLO in all capitals.  Rename this layer text1.

Objects, align, center.

Layers, convert to raster layer.

Magic Wand, add shift, RGB Value, Tolerance 0, Contiguous checked, Feather 0, Anti-alias checked, Outside chosen.

Click in each of the letters until all are chosen.

Selections, modify, expand by 1.

Copy and paste your first flag as a new layer, position where you like it.

Selections, invert, delete, selections, select none.

Move this layer under your text and rename it flag1.

Making sure you are on text1 layer, effects, plugins, Eye Candy 4000, Gradient Glow, under basic tab 3.00, 25, 100, Draw Only Outside Selection checked.  Under color tab choose main color square as white.  Click ok.

Repeat Gradient Glow 2 more times for a total of 3x.

Effects, drop shadow, 2, 5, 50, 8, color black, Shadow on new layer un-checked.

Layers, merge, merge visible.

X out this layer for now.

Choose your second font, mine is A Gentle Touch, same settings except change font size to 112 and stroke width to 2 (or whatever font you are using, choose the size that looks best).  In the background click that box, choose pattern and choose your second flag.  Angle 0 and Scale whatever you think will look good, mine is at 58.  In all lower case type out your second HELLO word in language of choice.  Mine is Greek so it's YIASOU.

Layers, convert to raster layer.

Effects, plugins, Eye Candy 4000, Gradient Glow, same settings, do this 3x.

Effects, drop shadow, same settings.

Unhide bottom layer.

Move second word downward so that it is centered with bottom of first word, see my tag for reference.

Layers, merge visible.

Choose your third font, I'm using Agency FB.  Background color black, stroke width 0, size 20 (or whatever looks good with your chosen font).

Type out Proud Greek American (or whatever two nationalities you have chosen).  Place on top of the word HELLO like on my tag.

Layers, convert to raster layer.  Use the same Gradient Glow 3x and the same Drop Shadow.

Layers, merge visible.

Move this toward the right or left and downward where you like it.

Copy and paste your tube, layers, arrange, send to bottom, resize if needed and place where you like, mine is on the right side of tag.

Add the same Gradient Glow 3x and the same Drop Shadow.

I've chosen to use Agency FB for my name, same settings, size 30, in black.

Layers, convert to raster layer, same Gradient Glow 3x and same Drop Shadow.

Layers, merge visible.

Add up your credits and you can choose to do the Gradient Glow and Drop Shadow as before.

Crop tool, choose all around your image and click checkmark.  Image, Resize, 500 pixel width, lock aspect ratio checked, resize all layers checked.  Height will adjust on it's own.

Adjust, Sharpness, Sharpen if needed.

Save as PNG.

Here is another I did using Elias Chatzoudis 26-1.  You are free to snag this and use as an extra if you like.

Here is another I did using Elias Chatzoudis 191-3.  You are free to snag this and use as an extra if you like.

And now I am using Elias Chatzoudis 58-2.  Feel free to snag this and use as an extra.  For this one I used France and Canada. You can change up the greetings to suit whichever two countries you are representing.

And now I am using Elias Chatzoudis 191-1.  Feel free to snag this and use as an extra.

If you enjoyed this tutorial please leave a comment.  I would love to see your results and share them on my blog.  You can send them to me at

~~ Tag Show Offs ~~

Here is one from Bev!  Her family history is incredible and this tag is a great representation of that story.

Here is Bon's!  Bon decided to go American all the way and it's awesome!

Bev decided to give it a different interpretation and it turned out great!

1 comment:

Ghost said...

Love your tutorial and I'm glad you liked my try at it! Hugs, Bev